Deutsche Börse Trade Analysis

You can see an example report here, and read more about this solution in a longer blog post here.
Stefan Schlamp, Head of Quantitative Analytics at Deutsche Börse, says…
“A couple of years ago, we heard from our participants that we were falling short in terms of analytics. We were giving them very little feedback on how they were doing and how they could improve their performance. We wanted to develop something which gives all the participants some interesting new information which they could not already get from public sources. The super-sophisticated ones could do a lot of analysis using public data, but we wanted something new for everyone.
The analytics was fairly easy; we all have access to the database and can all code. But we weren’t graphical or UI specialists. ReportLab came in to make the step from the numbers to the graphical output. We needed something which would scale, and reliably do this for hundreds of reports.
The reports are now generated monthly or quarterly for all of the participants, and shared with clients by their advisers.
The first prototype live reports were created in Q4 2023, and after review this was rolled out to all clients in Q1 2024.
We’re now extending this to EUREX, the derivatives exchange, and EEX, the European Energy Exchange where gas, power, emissions and other energy products are traded; these are all based on the same platform
We had really, really good feedback from the participants - they like it and XETRA likes it”, says Stefan. “Some comments from our customers included…
… no other exchange offers this …
… what you sent us is amazing …
I’m a little bit impressed.
We outsourced the initial implementation of our chart designs to ReportLab to get to market as quickly as possible. The team delivered great results very quickly and helped us fixing edge cases.”